Thursday, December 1, 2022

SANS Pentest HackFest 2022

The past two months have been non-stop. Thankfully things are slowing down so time to document some of the recent happenings!

November tends to be my favorite time of the year in the security world. Lots of conferences and hack challenges sprinkled around holidays and extended weekends! It's certainly nothing new that HackFest is one of my favorite events this time of year. Between 2 days of summit speakers, training courses, NetWars, and Coin-a-palooza; what's not to like!? 

Pentest HackFest summit returned this year to Arlington Virginia November 14-15, 2022. I wasn't able to attend in-person and haven't since 2019 but SANS always does a great job making sure that the speakers are streamed live and that video recordings are available after the fact. While the video for this year's event are uploaded yet it seems, previous years are and I'd imagine that this year's will be uploaded soon: here. I was also lucky enough to get to attend SEC575 after the summit but I'll post a different post for that course and GIAC exam later; need to get back to the index and re-reading all the materials in preparation!

Quick update to showcase the end of course CTF Challenge coin!

SEC575 Challenge Coin Front

SEC575 Challenge Coin Back

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